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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

So Sexy Sciencey Things on Pinterest #6

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My Dear Sexy Readers,

Here is SSS latest Pinterest board snapshot with a focus on DNA. If you'd like to know more about DNA, what it is, why do we need it, what does it do, check out this awsome post featuring brilliant and talented blogger.
Pinterest SSS #6
 Also, if you are interested in short easy facts to remember, I have started a new serie entitled "Did you Know?", it's basically a serie of quick science facts linked between each other, a bit like when you research something on Wikipedia and end up 2 hours later on a different page you can't remember how you ended up there! Come over have a look, and maybe make a suggestion as to the next linked one ;)

Science So Sexy Pinterest collection

See you soon for more SSS,

Science is So Sexy?

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My Dear Sexy Readers,

In case you don't believe me when I tell you that finding a geeky student with oversized goggles on is difficult in a science lab, check out this list of these 50 Sexy Scientists. Not only their Science is Sexy but they are not bad to look at either ;)

See you soon for more SSS,

Friday, 22 February 2013

What's in Nutella?

6 Sexy People gave their opinion
My Dear Sexy Readers,

I was at a pastry shop with some friends from my native Belgium and we somehow got to talk about Hazelnut chocolatey spreads. My friend explained to me that there was a massive boycott against a famous "chocolate spread" (my faaaaaaavourite miam miam!!) because it contains palm oil which causes cancer! :/
Of course, this is again one of those affirmations that really needs to be clarified because I haven't heard of any studies showing this! So I told her I would look into it...

Hazelnut/Chocolate spread ingredients

Mine (because yes, I do ALWAYS have one jar on the go!) says it contains:

Sugar, Vegetable oil, Hazelnuts (13%), Fat-reduced cocoa (7.4%), Skimmed milk powder (6.6%), Whey powder, emulsifier (Lecithin of soya), Vanillin.

Note: If you're wondering what an emulsifier is, I'm writing "Did you Know #3" post about this, There's already a little bit of info here: Did you Know #2

So, we all know what skimmed milk powder, cocoa, hazelnut, sugar and vanillin (component of vanilla extract) are.
Whey Powder is a left over product from the production of cheese from cow's milk. It is used as a nutritional supplement. It is the liquid remaining after the milk has curdled. Research shows that whey proteins are highly beneficial for your health, immunity, cancer, infection, learning and aging to name but a few (Krissansen, 2007).
We are left with the dubious name Vegetable oil which could be anything from olive oil to grapeseed oil. The problem that people have here is that sometimes it stands for palm oil and manufacturers deliberately hide the palm oil name under vegetable oil (see below).

Palm oil
Extracted from the red pulp of the palm tree fruit, it makes a reddish oil that is rich in saturated fats.

The difference between monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and saturated fats has been covered in a previous post entitled "Olive oil, better than butter?". (If you are interested in different oils and Omega-3, -6, please check out SSS series on Omegas)

In brief, the type of fats that you ingest will influence the metabolism of cholesterol in your body such that ingesting:

Saturated fats increase LDL and HDL synthesis
MonoUnsaturated fats decrease LDL and maintain HDL synthesis
PolyUnsaturated fats decrease LDL but in too much quantity can decrease HDL synthesis
TransFat increase LDL and decrease HDL synthesis

The choice between LDL and HDL synthesis is crucial for your health as only HDL transport the cholesterol to its final destination, such as the liver. The LDL, when in too many numbers cannot be taken up by the cells and are eaten by macrophages. Those macrophages form plaques that are trapped in the blood walls and cause all the undesired effects that we know such as heart attacks and strokes.
=> Hence, the vulgarized translation HDL=Good cholesterol and LDL=Bad cholesterol.

Usually oils are rich in mono- and poly-unsaturated fats which make them better for your health than say butter. Here, Palm oil is rich in saturated fats and is definitely not as good!

As in everything (except smoking which is bad even in small doses), doses matter. Don't go on binge eating butter, chocolate spread nor olive oil, it cannot be good!!!

But can it cause cancer, like my friend was saying she heard?
To this day, there is no scientific studies showing adverse effects of palm oil and palmitic acid
(Fattore and Fanelli, 2013). Quite the contrary according to many studies as palm oil could have anti-proliferative effects against melanoma or other types of tumours (Komarasamy and Sekaran, 2012), be natural anti-inflammatory drugs due to their high content in tocotrienol (Nesaretnam and Meganathan, 2011), etc etc... The scientific litterature is Rich with studies showing the many health benefits of components of palm oil.

Why the fuss then?
The problem here is not a scientific one but an ethical one. 
But we are so afraid of the word cancer, whatever is said to cause cancer, we try to stay away from it - unless it is alcohol or cigarettes it seems.... So it's easier to spread a rumour that this chocolate spread is bad because it contains carcinogenic palm oil than explaining the truth.
The truth is that palm oil business is MASSIVE and to make space to all these palm trees from which the oil will be extracted and purified, a LOT of rainforests have been destroyed in Indonesia and Malaysia to name but a few countries and this of course has had a big incidence on the living conditions of some animal species. As a result, orangutans are on the verge of extinction!
Now because this is not a scientific matter, I'd prefer staying clear of this ethical question and refer those of you who are interested in this to this website which explains a little bit more about it.
Palm oil is in a LOT of products, you can find a list of which on this website.
See you soon for more SSS,

Krissansen, J Am Coll Nutr. (2007) 26(6): 7135-7235. Emerging Health properties of Whey proteins and their clinical implications.
Fattore and Fanelli,Int. J. Food Sci Nutr. (2013). Palm oil and palmitic acid: A review on cardiovascular effects and carcinogenicity.
Nesaretnam and Meganathan, Ann N Y acad Sci (2011) 1229:18-22. Tocotrienol: Inflammation and cancer.
Komarasamy and Sekaran, J. Oleo Sci.(2012) 61(4):227-39. The anti-prolitive effects of palm oil-derived products and its mode of actions in human malignantmelanoma MeWo cells.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Did you Know? #2 - Eggs in cakes

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My Dear Sexy Readers,

Our new SSS DYK series is on its way with the first instalment being on how do we know if eggs are still edible, but...

Eggs are part of cake recipes for their emulsification, coagulation and foaming properties.

An emulsion is a mix of two ingredients that are not normally mixable like water and oil. An emulsifier helps the mix to "stick" together.

Egg yolk and mustard are food emulsifiers (detergents are another type of emulsifiers and are called surfactants. For more info on detergents, check out SSS previous mini-serie on What's in your shampoo?). Eggs in cakes help the fats to stay dispersed in the mix which promotes thickening of the mixture.
When eggs are heated, they bind the ingredients together and give the smooth texture.
Also responsible for these delicious taste buds sensations is the Lecithin protein in egg yolk which reduces the moisture loss, therefore contributing to the softness. The egg whites also give texture and lightness thanks to their foaming capabilities.
For more info on cake making, check out this previous SSS post on the difference between baking powder and yeast .

Did you Know collection

See you soon for more SSS ;)

So what would you like to be when you grow up?

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My Dear Sexy Readers,

Who said that Science wasn't cool anymore, that our young generation is not interested in it? Maybe it is so, but things might change soon as 15yo Jack Andraka takes over the scientific world with his inventive cancer diagnostic tool!!

So because he is only 15, it would be highly inappropriate to call him sexy, let's just say he is soooo cool, he blew everyone's mind by imagining an easy to use, extra cheap and super sensitive special piece of paper that would detect if you are developing pancreatic cancer (but also ovarian, lung and maybe breast cancers). And the best, how did he work that out? By using information found on Google!!!!!!! So? Isn't that cool?
You can read more about it, here!
In brief, his project is a new dipstick type diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer using a novel paper sensor, similar to that of the diabetic test strip. This strip tests for the level of mesothelin, a pancreatic cancer biomarker, in blood or urine, to determine whether or not a patient has early-stage pancreatic cancer. He says the test is also effective for detecting ovarian and lung cancer, due to the same mesothelin biomarker they have in common.

EDIT: Oops, it seems that SSS was also blinded by the coolness of Jack. More perspective on the research and its usefulness is reviewed HERE

See you soon for more Cool and SS Science,

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Scientists = Science Artists?

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My Dear Sexy Readers,

I've always wondered if being a scientist wasn't closer to being an artist than most people think! I mean we have to be creative and imaginative in our experiment designs. Most of all, we have to find a meaning in each result which is something that sometimes resembles finding a meaning out of a black and white canvas - in more ways than you think ;)!
The Vitruvian man by Leonardo Da Vinci
Youtube is full of videos on science, but some are so good, they make us smile because the person(s) who did them captured so well the spirit and the scientist eternal frustration. Recently, I stumbled upon this one on FB. It just shows how life as a scientist is governed by how well our experiments go and by funding

See you Soon for more SSS,


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

So Sexy Sciencey Things on Pinterest #5

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My Dear Sexy Readers,

Here is today's Pinterest SSS/Valentine board snap shot:
You can follow my Science So Sexy board on Pinterest or have a look at the links here below to get to my previous boards snap shots. Thank you for visiting SSS and following me on the different social media platforms (check out the links on the right).

Science So Sexy Pinterest collection: 
SSS #1
SSS #2
SSS #3
SSS #4
SSS #5 

See you soon,

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Did you know? A new SSS series - #1 - Fresh eggs sink

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My Dear Sexy Readers,

Have you ever got lost on google or wikipedia? You got there to find out something and 2 hours later you were still on it but you got so side tracked reading interesting stuff you forgot why you were there in the first place? That is exactly why I'm starting this brand new series on linked SSS (Short Sexy Subjects) we knew once and we forgot about, as well of SSS (Super Sexy Science) facts.
 Well here is my chance to try to make you forget about work and stuff and get lost right here on SSS :)

Fresh eggs sink in fresh water while rotten eggs float.

As time goes, water vapours and gases escape from the porous egg shell. This makes the egg to decompose and the yolk to shrink, making the air pocket grow bigger. This new free space is filled by more and more ambiant air that filters in.

The more air it contains, the more it floats.
So a fresh egg will completely sink at the bottom of a bowl of fresh water (no salt added like when you're cooking - here is why). As the days go by, the egg will start tilting on its small angle with its wide angle (where the air pocket is) floating. When the egg becomes stale, the air pocket is so important it will make the egg floats.
Here you go, SSS readers, to illustrate this first SSS Did you Know,

I found you a cool video:

Did you Know Collection

See you soon for more SSS :)

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